Meet the Creator

Meet the Creator Hi! I’m Jen, the pen behind Genuinely, Jen. I’m a travel and nature loving, curious about the world around me type of gal. I wear many hats aside from “blogger”, including, but not limited to, wife, mom, dog mom, daughter, sister, friend, corporate facilitator, hope spreader, “dad joke” teller, etc.  My hope, is that I inspire you through my writing, to continue to find and be your genuine self. Because after...

Wellness Wake Up

I am not a “New Year’s” person. The timing of this blog coming to life makes me laugh. What do I mean when I say, “I’m not a ‘New Year’s’ person.” I’ve never been a night person, so I’ve always been annoyed that I am forced to stay up until midnight to celebrate the turning of the clock when midnight happens every night. In my younger years, I felt the obligation to make plans to go out, when my own biological rhythm...