Your Body – A Direct Connection to God

Last Year I had the opportunity to deliver the morning message at my church as a guest speaker. As I reflected on what I wanted to share this week, I was called to pull this out. This is a reflection tied to Proverbs 3: vs 1 - 8. Talking about our bodies at church? Weird, right? But we should be! It feels weird to be talking about the human body with you here at church. As I prepared for today, I felt uncomfortable, anxious, and worried that...

Packing Essentials for Traveling Parents

As we embarked on another adventure as a family, I started thinking about all the things I could share on here as my top travel mom tips for packing... what snacks  to bring, what to wear on flights, and any other things that could set you up for success when flying with littles.  While all this is important to get you to feel prepared, I was reminded on our trip to Tahoe of the things that really lead to a great trip as a...

Measuring My Wellness

The scale has barely moved. I’m a little over a month in to recommitting to moving my body and eating mindfully. I have been feeling great and noticed that I am less bloated, my skin is looking clearer and just overall have more energy. So I decided to hop on the scale. And guess what? It is still the same as when I started. Mindset matters. For one of the first times in my life, I didn’t judge myself. Admittedly, I was disappointed because...

Meet the Creator

Meet the Creator Hi! I’m Jen, the pen behind Genuinely, Jen. I’m a travel and nature loving, curious about the world around me type of gal. I wear many hats aside from “blogger”, including, but not limited to, wife, mom, dog mom, daughter, sister, friend, corporate facilitator, hope spreader, “dad joke” teller, etc.  My hope, is that I inspire you through my writing, to continue to find and be your genuine self. Because after...

Wellness Wake Up

I am not a “New Year’s” person. The timing of this blog coming to life makes me laugh. What do I mean when I say, “I’m not a ‘New Year’s’ person.” I’ve never been a night person, so I’ve always been annoyed that I am forced to stay up until midnight to celebrate the turning of the clock when midnight happens every night. In my younger years, I felt the obligation to make plans to go out, when my own biological rhythm...